My Memoir has been available on my web site for 9 months. My personal appearance’s have gone very well. My Documentary has been well received in Film Festivals for the last 1 1/2 years. My Documentary has been streaming since Feb 22 2024. On I tunes/ Apple TV AND Google play. 20 households have watched it. Edward James Olmos, Eva Longoria , Cheech Marin, Luis Valdez, Gloria Calderon Kellett and Robert Beltran, Dave Boyle, and others talk about my 60 years as an actor. I am my own Hollywood Studio and you are my partners. Help me by sharing this message with as many of your followers as possible. If the children can’t see it, they can’t be it. On July 23, I will be 80 years old. I’ve only just begun whether you support me or not. Much better when you support me you support all of us.
This weekend was a powerful one leading up to the release of my Documentary on Amazon and Apple TV, on February 21. My Memoir also can be bought on my website. At the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute Conference, I performed my One, El Ruco Chuco Cholo Pachuco. Showed my Documentary and had a Book signing of my Pepe Serna Life Is Art, that starts streaming in February 21 on Amazon and Apple TV. I also ran a My Pepefied Breakthrough Improve workshop and closed the Conference with my Keynote Speech.Man Show . I am the youngest 80 year old story teller in Hollywood. Stay tuned.
With the incredible Dr Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, Brain surgeon. At the United states Hispanic Leadership Institute. Incredible weekend.
United States Hispanic Leadership Institute, was Amazing. Showed my Documentary that starts streaming on February 21, on Amazon and Apple TV. Please help me get it to your followers.
Here with James Macias in Coachella today.
Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. You’ve just been Pepefied!
#pepeisms #quotes #pepeserna #pepesernalifeisart
Get your copy at
Sitting down waiting for the electrician after a full day of yard’s not easy being beautiful. With Love on Amazon Prime, needs your support. Best cast of kind people I’ve ever worked with. Watch Flamin ‘ Hot on Disney plus and Hulu. It’s hot being an Abuelo.
Hollywood Premier and it keeps getting better and better. Thank you David Damian Figueroa.
My Biggest passion is introducing students to their power. This guy was named Out Of The Blue. They have knowledge written all over them.
Incredible performances last night as I was Emcee for Rialto School District.
Last Night as Emcee for Rialto school District’s The Ritz Talent Show. The students and parents were fabulous.
With Love is the series, and that’s how we do it. Check us out on Amazon Prime. Raza, we need you to watch and if you do, you will be blessed WITH LOVE!
I’ve been the lead off hitter since I was in the Boys Club, in Corpus Christi, Texas, in 1958. I want to be on base when you hit the Home Run, so we get two runs instead of just one. Home Run hitters get all the press, but our run counts the same as the Home Run. Batter up, get on base, just get on base.
Boss Women ! Present and accounted for!
Love Project Films, thank you for a wonderful night. Can’t wait to start filming my next staring Movie with you. Let the cameras roll.🟤
So grateful to be honored tonight at the @stxiff South Texas International Film Festival, with best Documentary and Legacy award. Thank you Luis Reyes, for your Direction and Keyvon Dereksan.
Who remembers this bloody scene?#scarfacemovie
Promoting With Love on Amazon Prime at my Award presentation. Boys and Girls club meme we # 7, 65 years ago.
Amigas & Amigos! I’m excited two share that my film, LIFE IS ART: Pepe Serna, directed by #LuisReyes, is an Official Selection of The San Diego Latino Film Festival March 10-20, 2022. Life is Art will open the festival. The festival has added two more of my films as tribute screenings. Stay tuned for that announcement. 👉🏽 VIEW TRAILER: *Starring - @pepefied11 @edward_olmos1947, @evalongoria, #LuisValdez, @cheechmarin, @gloriakellett, #RobertBeltran, #DavidAnsen, #JesusTrevino, and @thedaveboyle. Executive Producers: @daviddamianf. Producers: @kevinderek , #DavidMendez, and #IsaacArtenstein. #latinofilm #chicanohollywood #latinosinhollywood #film #production #lifeisart #sisepuedeattheboxoffice #documentary #producer #actor #director #art
Thanks for the ❤️ #PalmSpringslifemagazine A great memory with a great friend on the film set of American Me.
#AmericanMe #EdwardJamesOlmos
Scarface reunion with Pacino in Hollywood. #scarface #film #Angel #Pacino
Palm Springs Life Magazine 👉🏽 Pepe Serna ( Serna6914 ), “Big on Small Parts: How optimism, patience, and generosity propelled Pepe Serna into the leading role.” Ten-page spread. READ THE ARTICLE by @kentrblack with photos by @austinhargrave
👉🏽 LINK IN BIO 🙏🏽Thank you, @stevenbiller_x
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Yipi was our Cupid 52 years ago today.
Love is the answer
Good morning
Happy Valentine’s Day almost
New owners of my first house I bought in 1975. Great couple with two daughters. _instagram